Fabbula is a cultural practice dedicated to the idea of worlding with digital media: Virtual Reality, Open Worlds, Live Streams. We curate exhibitions, represent and supports artists, produce virtual worlds and immersive fabulations.
What are we about ?
Worlding with digital media
Sensory worlds that originate from the intimate and bring attention on alternative perspectives, potentially expanding our conscious capabilities & world views.
Speculative Fabulation
SF is that potent material-semiotic sign for the riches of speculative fabulation, speculative feminism, science fiction, speculative fiction, science fact, science fantasy
- and, I suggest, string figures.
In looping threads and relays
of patterning, this SF practice
is a model for worlding.
— Donna Haraway
Artists, hackers & thinkers
We enable individuals and collectives with immersive & interactive media, for them to practice world-making in a troubled present.
We curate immersive exhibitions on
worlding, speculation and fabulation.
Faire Monde
Fabbula is the curator and organiser of the Octobre Numérique Faire Monde festival in Arles. For a month, exhibitions, conferences, workshops to support the creation of an inclusive, participative and open metaverse.
Inclusive, participative and radically forward-looking, the festival exposes new practices of “worlding” by artists, thinkers and local communities.
Its technological back bone is real-time 3D technology, the engine powering most of our computing future: metaverses networks, social and game worlds, immersive experiences in VR, AR & MR.